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Klok lezen wordt wel heel letterlijk met deze design Word Clock met LED verlichting. Vergeet wijzers en cijfers, deze klok geeft de tijd weer in vlekkeloos Engels. Hoe, dat laat onze unieke LED Word Clock je zien, die de tijd niet met getallen, maar in spraak weergeeft. En wel alle vijf minuten en in vriendelijk Engels OF Duits OF Frans. Hiermee zijn we ten eerste helemaal internationaal en leren we ten tweede ook nog wat (als we het al niet zouden kunnen).
Op de LED Word Clock geen cijfers of wijzers die de tijd aangeven, maar woorden! Arduino Word Clock : Further details on this build on my site here Word ClockArduino Word Clock with minute resolution of time in words and linear display of seconds. Bright LEDs are easy to read. The LED Word Clock updates its display once every five minutes. Op de LED woorden klok staan geen cijfers of wijzers die de tijd aangeven, maar woorden!
Deze moderne klok vertelt in woorden hoe laat het is. De woorden lichten in prachtig helder wit LED licht op. Buy LED Word Clock - Displays Time as Text - Powered by AC Adapter (x 8): Wall Clocks - Amazon. World time and date for cities in all time zones. International time right now.
Takes into account all DST clock changes. Find Led World Clock and Informative Content. Digital Clock , Raynic 11. Ascetic Design’s unique desk clock uses LED -illuminated acrylic panels to display the current time.

It offers display modes, and you can choose from digital, binary, or word style panels in a variety of etched typefaces. Number clocks are so last century. This LED Word Clock is stylish and modern. It will look great in any room. This clock uses its words to tell the time and shows time in five minute intervals.
The words are illuminated in bright, white, easy-to-read LED light. While the concept was cool, Dr. D-Flo felt like the design lacked style. By nature a word clock is not practical, so it needs to look classy.

He did not stop at one but ended up building clocks ! Sharper Image Light Up Electronic Word Clock Copper Finish LED New In Box $33. By replacing all of the numbers with words, the LED Word Clock distinctively stands apart from all other timepieces. Dus als het 11:uur is, zal de Word Clock in woorden aangeven: ‘It is twenty to twelve’.
The Word Clock tells in simple words what the time is anywhere in the world.
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